Saturday 23 November 2013

Day of the week

Q: If 23 July,2011 was Saturday, then which day will be 22 July, 2012?

(i) Sunday
(ii) Friday
(iii) Saturday
(iv) Thursday

Friday 22 November 2013

Collision of trains

Q: Two trains 200km apart are moving towards each other on the same track. Train A has a speed of 120km/hr, while Train B travels at 80km/hr. A bug starts flying from Train A and moves towards Train B at a speed of 160km/hr. On colliding with train B, it bounces back and starts moving towards Train A. On colliding with it, it bounces back, and repeats the process until both the trains collide. Find the distance traveled by the bug.

Number Series

Q: Find the next term in the given series:

(i) 0, 2, 24, 324, ____

(ii) 1, 8, 9, 64, 25, 216, ____

Thursday 21 November 2013

Brainteaser 1

Q : You have 2 threads. They are coated with combustible substance. Once lighted, they will burn for 1hr each. If you have to use them to measure time, how will you measure 45mins?

Test Your Aptitude

The blog will present you with logical questions, and allow you to test your aptitude. 

The answers to these questions maybe given immediately, or added later.